вторник, 1 апреля 2014 г.

Widgets and custom fonts

As you could know widgets use certain amount of the views and use it indirectly. There is no possibility set up custom font to some view. The object RemoveView in widgets doesn’t have such ability.

суббота, 25 января 2014 г.

Copy files to LG Nexus 4 from Ubuntu

So, recently I bought this device and found out that it can't be connected as flash-card. It can be done in Windows and Mac. Of, course I can find some comp with these OSs but it is bored.
I decided use adb trying copy files.

понедельник, 20 января 2014 г.

How to delete a system android app?

Yesterday I was need remove some programs from my android. The app was in system so the originla methods doesn' help. As I use Ubuntu it's very comfortable work from console. Last time I used this method:

воскресенье, 5 января 2014 г.

How to know if point is inside polygon

The lines of polygon can be imagined like straights. The point can be inside, outside or on the polygon. The most simplest way find intersections of the line from point with lines of the polygons. We will draw line from point to 0,0. So if it will be on the polygon lines or outside it will intersects polygon more than 1 time, in the other case it will intersects only one time. The first step in cycle find all intersections with line from point with polygon. It can be done with method from Slope of a Straight Line Android.

Slope of a Straight Line Android

For example, you need find intersection of the line and touch. You have some line on the screen like on the pic1.