Finally I went to educate this framework! Here is my steps:
- Set up NDK: is simple. I described it here:
- Download cocos2dx source. As I using ubuntu I prefer console methods:
git clone - Go to the <cocos_root>
If you see the error:
please define NDK_ROOT
You need correct file or add NDK_ROOT to enviroment
1 variant:
before if [ -z "${NDK_ROOT+aaa}" ];then
export NDK_ROOT="<root_ndk>/android-ndk-<version>"
./ - After that we have ready project for eclipse. We need to import it via "Existing projects into Eclipse".
After importing project I faced this error:
The import org.cocos2dx.lib cannot be resolved
So why it happend? During importing project I as usually set tip "Copy files into existing workspace" and required libraries were missed. Therefore references were incorrect too. So I import this required library into my project:
In Eclipse: Import->Exisiting project...-> <project location><~/<cocos_root>/cocos2dx/platform/android/java/> - Ok. Finally I found out that cocos 2.1.4 doesnt't work with ndk r9. Unfortunately it was very late. I spend a lot of hours.
Next I download r8 from here:
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